Providence Holy Cross Medical Center – North Administration Building
5,933 s.f. addition to an existing building at the Providence Holy Cross Hospital in Mission Hills. While the project is non-OSHPD construction, anything associated with the structure including construction of the addition foundation over an underground utility chaise required OSHPD-1 oversight. The existing building is steel framed with wood joist supporting a lightweight concrete deck. The new addition is wood-framed, slab on grade, plaster with architectural features on the exterior facades.
5,933 s.f. addition to an existing building at the Providence Holy Cross Hospital in Mission Hills. While the project is non-OSHPD construction, anything associated with the structure including construction of the addition foundation over an underground utility chaise required OSHPD-1 oversight. The existing building is steel framed with wood joist supporting a lightweight concrete deck. The new addition is wood-framed, slab on grade, plaster with architectural features on the exterior facades.
The scope of work includes:
- Demolition of a portion of the site for the new building to be constructed
- Demolition of the existing building (e.g., wing wall, windows, and doors)
- Infill areas where windows and doors were removed
- Build-out of the new addition
- New accessible path of travel for public right-of-way
- Re-striping of existing parking spaces for EVSE (electric vehicle) parking
- Providing 12 new parking stalls
Building Addition: 5,933 s.f.